Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Animal Adaptations - Thursday 1 December 2016

Today the Middle School were very fortunate to have Mr Raynor from
Auckland Museum came to talk about Animal Adaptations.

We saw a Moa leg and it's predator the Haast Eagle - skull and claw.  The Moa and Haast Eagle are now extinct.

Thank you for coming to talk to us Mr Raynor!!!

He bought a mount of a little spotted kiwi.  Our national bird can  still become extinct if we do not look after their habitats and eliminate their predators.

Some of the predators we introduced to NZ are Mice, Rats, Stoats,  and Cats.  These animals often kill our native birds.

Monday, 28 November 2016

Bible in Schools

Today is our final bible session with Mrs Burgess.  Room 16 has been fortunate to have our lovely Mrs Burgess with us throughout the year.

Have a wonderful Christmas Mrs Burgess from Room 16  XOXOX

Thursday, 24 November 2016

Whole School Assembly Fri 25 November 2016

RWe are fast approaching the end of this school year, we only have 3 weeks left!!!

Well done our Lauren, Auralie, and   for their wonderful tap dance.

Well done Aarav a well deserved certificate for improved Basic Facts.  Kapai Aarav.

The Auckland Library told us about it's competition starting soon. 12 children from our class took part in their bean bag competition.

Thursday, 10 November 2016

Whole School Assembly Fri 11 November

Hello everyone we have another - almost last - school assembly.  Today's assembly is special because today is Armistice Day.  It is commemorated every year on November 11 when WW1 ceased and took affect at eleven o'clock in the morning  - ...the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month...

Well done Henry for working hard to receive our Principals Certificate for excellent progress in speaking and reading English!!!