Thursday, 20 October 2016

Making Stick Insects with Room 20 Fri 21st Oct 2016

This afternoon Rooms 16 and 20 had an afternoon of inquiry learning together.  We made Stick Insects and carried on with our camouflage pictures.

Sunday, 16 October 2016

Our 7th Enviro Day with Mrs Daniel

Today was our 7th Enviro Day with Mrs Daniel. We kicked the day off with a scavenger hunt in the native bush walk. While the rest of the class hunted, Kamden, Joshua, Henry, Leon, Sophie & Lauren volunteered to plant new tussock plants and weed around the native bush walk.

Kamden, Joshua & Leon showed awesome team work and perserverence digging the holes for the tussock and tucking them in with nutrient rich potting mix.

Joshua said, "It was fun and hard work. I was proud of myself". Kamden liked putting the soil in best because he likes to get his hands dirty. We look forward to seeing the tussock grow bigger and bigger.

Thursday, 13 October 2016

The Zoo!

We are off to visit the animals!  The children of Rooms 8 and 16 are definately excited - the talking and noise in the bus proves this.  Personally I am looking forward to being up close and personal with the Giraffe and maybe lunch with the elephants!  A wonderful day ahead!

Tuesday, 11 October 2016


Kevin from Auckland Badminton will be teaching us about how to play badminton. 

We learnt about how to hold the racket and shuttlecock.

Kevin showed us some trick shots that we could practice.

Thank you Kevin can't wait to have another go!

It was FUN!!!!