Wednesday, 31 August 2016

The Poetry Lady - Judy Billcliff

Today we are fortunate to meet Judy and listen and participate in her poetry workshop.

I really liked the naughty poem about peeing in the shower because the dad did it too said Riley. 

I liked the bit about bungy jumping in her undies and bra it was really funny said Sophie.

Tuesday, 30 August 2016

The 3 R Challenges Making A Toy

Yesterday we were given the 3 R (Reduce, reuse, recycle) challenge to make a toy out of recycled material.

Leo made a Mouse House out of milk bottle tops, cotton wool buds, paper cups, and skewers.  It has a front and back door.  Kapai Leo.

Ian created a boat complete with a cabin and engine room out of various paper products.  Visionaries can see the potential of R16 entrepreneurs.

Different children presented their toys, everyone had to decide if the creations met the brief - a toy made out of recycled materials.

Joshua made a snowman and a wrecking ball, Stella made a tree house.

Sunday, 28 August 2016

Comparing & Contrasting Our Enviro Journey

Today was an Enviro Day with Mrs Daniel. We're learning to act sustainably. As part of our inquiry, we compared and contrasted Sunnyhills' enviro journey with Royal Road School in West Auckland. We read about Royal Road School and then thought about all the things we do.

We discovered that there's lots of sustainable ways we're alike; we're both planning an orchard, we're both growing baby plants and an edible garden. Also,we both have worms farms.

Our enviro journeys contrast too. Sunnyhills has beautiful new recycled sculptures, a native bush ealk and a butterfly garden. Royal Road School has Enviro awards for rubbish free lunches, they compost and each class has its own garden.

It was great to think about all the cool enviro things our school does and get some new ideas we might try next.

Thursday, 25 August 2016

Whole School Assembly Friday 26 August 2016

Another whole school assembly yeaaay.

"Blame it on the boogie"  and the teachers with Mrs Venville and Mrs Driver treated us with an amazing boogie.

Kapai koe Sanajan for always trying your best and persevering with math.

Monday, 22 August 2016

Junior Kapahaka Tuesday 23 August 2016

Pacman Challenge Day 2

Today the actual math challenge began. 

The challenge begins.  There were lots of noisey excited Room 16 children trying to be the 1st one to complete their pacman or pacghost.  One group lost 5 min of their time because of running and yelling at each other on the deck in front of Room 15.

Many questions were answered including how many yellow lines are there on the basketball courts and how many slides are there at school and multiply by 5?

Our pace and ghosts are being built slowly.  Come back tomorrow and see how we are doing.


Sunday, 21 August 2016

Pacman Challenge 2016

As part of Maths Week Rooms 16, 20 and 21 will be competing in our Pacman Challenge.

Room 16 has broken into 5 groups and will complete different maths challenges to earn post-it notes to make either a Pacman or a Ghost.  The first team to make their Pacman or Ghost wins.

The groups are as follows:

Pakees - Lauren, Leo, Andreas,  Ryan

PacAttack - Isabella, Aarav, Riley, Henry, Brendon

The Ghost busters - Jenny, Jim, Rajeev, Kobi, Sophie

The Ghost Guys - Lily, Joshua, Ian, Tiffany,   Sanajan

Friendly Ghost busters - Samantha, Stella, Max, Sebastian, Leo

Visit and watch us over the next few days!


Tuesday, 16 August 2016

Wednesday Sport - Hockey

We are so lucky because every Wednesday we have hockey with  Cam  First we warmed up then we practiced dribble with ball and stick.  Next we practised double dribble then swap ball.  Then we had a game of traffic light.

We finished with a 2 on 2 game.

We had lots and lot of fun.

Room 16 Writing Learning Goals 2016

This morning we are self reviewing our Writing Goals.

Andreas is looking for examples of "record most of the sounds in words"

Joshua is looking for "I use full stops and capital letters"

Ryan found an example of "I can reread my story to check it makes sense"

Rajeev found an example of "experimenting with punctuation"

Looking for, finding and realising all the different things we do when we write has been a learning journey for all in Room 16.