Room 20 and 16 have chosen to focus on Charles and Janine Williams art as part of our Syndicate Term 2 Art Inquiry.
The lucky room 16 children were: Rajeev, Lauren, Stella, Sophie, Sanajan, Leo, Kobi, Sebastian and Ian.
Stella and Sebastian with their big Room 8 buddies
Mrs Bedford and Room 8 BMPS
Our questions
Sophie and Rajeev with their big Room 8 buddies
We learnt how Room 8 created their pieces of art. We had prepared questions to ask so that when we started our own art work we knew how to do it.
Since the trip we have written to Room 8 and thanked them for having us and quality commented on the art work and the Power Point Presentation that they presented to us.
Room 16 are now practicing sketching our house birds; Tui, Kea, Hoiho and Takahe.
Mrs Bedford has emailed Whaea:
Thanks for organising the visit and for the very lovely letters (which I just received and will share with the class on Monday).
It was such a neat buzz to have another school visit ours. Your children we just gorgeous! It was a great idea to buddy them up and let them chat together.
Schools really should be interacting with each other in this way more often. Thank you for inspiring me to look for more ways I can connect with other schools in the future.
I'm sure our paths will cross again, and I am really looking forward to seeing the art your children come up with.
All the best!